T281 Ocean's Gift Sid Dickens tile #5&10&11 (h15)

Item 28 of 110
129,00 (including VAT)

T281 Ocean's Gift Sid Dickens tegel


And the ocean asks, "Can it be true... that in this world of marvels,

one's as wonderful as you?"


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About This Collection

This Fall Sid Dickens plumbs his inquisitive roots and reaches out to beguile us with this most charming collection of Curiosities. Animal studies, botanical elements and calligraphy all feature in this collection of intriguing objets d’art.As long days of summer fade and much of the animal world retreats to sleep, a secret world of hidden life comes out to play. Under the watchful gaze of a curious feline, a winter plant unfurls on the forest floor. We return to our places of learning, whether they be material or spiritual. An unseen angel bestows a blessing as a little bird prepares to journey south, and a silent reptile sheds its skin, releasing itself from old restrictions.This collection invokes the rich scents of a walk in the woods, the fresh breeze of oceanic surf, fruit ripe for the picking. A palette of gold, green, cream and earthen colours calls on us to reconnect with our primitive and perhaps mystical roots; to embrace nature in all its wilderness, to view from the perspective of our mind’s eye and to renew our childlike curiosity about life in all its wonder and splendor.


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